e-CPD Programmes

Loose Parts Play
Loose Parts are any open-ended materials that you can give to children that have no directions or instructions. With no prescribed method of play or end product, items can be used entirely at the discretion of the child. Loose parts play is a valuable contributor to an emergent curriculum approach. The 'Loose Parts Play' programme contains lots of practical and visual inspiration to make loose parts play a significant component of an emergent curriculum for the under 3’s, preschool and school age children.  The Resource Documents section contains printable handouts to support the programme content and a Certificate of Participation is saved to the educator profile on completion. IMPORTANT* Before you start - please read 'NOTES FOR THE COURSE'. This contains important information to help you navigate the site if you are undertaking a programme for the first time.   

02 Hours

Enabling Transition (2nd ed, Mar 23)
The transitions process is essentially the ongoing process of change for children, families and educational settings to facilitate children’s movement from one situation or setting to another. The ‘Enabling Transition’ programme includes the importance of positive transitions from pre-school to primary school, good pedagogy practice to enable smooth transitions and compiling Transition Reports. The Resource Documents section contains printable handouts to support the programme content and a Certificate of Participation is saved to the educator profile on completion. Supporting handouts include:  Enabling Children to cope with Transition The Invisible Suitcase (Nurturing an emotional toolkit for life) Completing Transition Reports - a guide for educators What learning am I looking for? (Dispositions, Skills, Knowledge, Atttitudes for transition reporting) Parent Tip Sheet - Supporting Transition Blank Transition Report Template  Sample Transition Reports  *PLEASE READ YOUR 'NOTES FOR THE COURSE' BEFORE STARTING YOUR PROGRAMME*

02 Hours

Seeing Voices
Participation is a deliberate process put into place to give children the opportunity to express their views, influence decision making and achieve change. Participation is underpinned by a child rights approach. The ‘Seeing Voices’ programme will give educators a sound framework from which to understand participation in the context of early childhood education and care.  A range of practical strategies and activities for engaging children and including them in decision making processes in the early childhood setting are included.  The Resource Documents section contains printable handouts to support the programme content and a Certificate of Participation is saved to the educator profile on completion.  

02 Hours

The Key Person Approach
The Key Person Approach is characterised by a relationship of trust so that the child can feel secure within a group experience. This approach is long recognised as a quality component of early childhood practice.  Whether you are a Manager of an early childhood setting who wants to implement a Key Person Approach or an Educator looking to refresh practice, this practical programme will keep you on the right track. The programme moves from the leglislative and quality context of the Key person Approach to the practical implementation of the approach itself.  The Resource Document section contains a useful handout as well as a sample Key Person Policy and Information Leaflet for parents. 

1.5 Hours

'Settling in Softly' (2nd edition, August 2023)
Social and emotional learning is essential to every child’s education to help children achieve their academic potential, build strong relationships and lead healthy and successful lives. 'Settling in Softy' will support Educators to focus on the important role of supporting children’s emotional well-being through a curriculum of care - for example, when joining the pre-school setting for the first time. This practical e-CPD programme is a must for all educators to ensure children’s emotional well-being is front and centre during the early months away from home and family.  The interdependent nature of educator well-being and the ability to support children is also explored.  The Resource Documents section contains printable handouts to support the programme content and a Certificate of Participation is saved to the educator profile on completion. *PLEASE READ YOUR 'NOTES FOR THE COURSE' BEFORE STARTING YOUR PROGRAMME*

2.5 Hours

Sensory Play
With sensory play, there’s always much more going on than meets the eye. Picking things up and feeling their texture is what is often associated with sensory play, but it’s about much more than touch. Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child's senses of touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, as well as anything which engages movement and balance. 'Sensory Play - Making sense of the world' is an informative and practical programme that is suitable for educators working with babies, toddlers or pre-school children. The  programme aims to bring awareness to the vital importance of sensory play as well as highlighting the impact for children with sensory processing difficulties. In addition the programme includes lots of visual and practical ideas for sensory play activities and provides samples of all important documentation of sensory learning linked to Aistear.  There are 2 reflective practice excercises for educators to think about their own practice in certain areas including a 'Sensory Audit' to evaluate the breadth of sensory activities on offer and the suitability of the environment for children with sensory processing difficulties.  The Reference Document section contains useful handouts for future reference and a certificate of participation can be downloaded on completion of the programme. 

2.5 Hours
